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WIX Website 2021 Together Action

Every day, there are small changes we can make to help look after our planet. 

The more of us that can act, the greater the overall impact. Even if all of us did just one thing, 

collectively we'll make a whole lot of difference!

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Get drastic on plastic

Plastic is strangling our oceans with the equivalent of one garbage truck of the stuff is dumped into them every minute. If nothing changes, by 2050 there could well be more plastic than fish in the sea. As it breaks up, plastic worms its way into the food chain. Lots of animals mistake the small, colourful pieces for food so their stomachs fill with it. Of course, plastic can’t be digested so the animals slowly starve because they don’t feel hungry.

Take action!

  • Always take a Bag For Life shopping

  • Use re-usable bottles and packed lunch containers

  • Eating out? Don't ask for a plastic straw

  • Having a party? Re-usable plates don't create landfill

  • Put fewer plastic toys on your Christmas list

  • Recycle everything you can

  • Never, ever litter

  • Join your local beach, waterway or park clean-up

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Sustainable living

The Earth and our climate is changing. Some places are becoming hotter, some drier and some wetter.


The more we can work together to support the planet and help out resources last, the better for everyone. 


Change starts at home so let’s stand up trumpet about it. 

Take action!


  • Turning off the tap while brushing your teeth could save a whopping 23 litres a day!

  • Limit your shower to 5-minutes 

  • Only flush when you need to

  • Dry laundry on clothes lines rather than in tumble dryers

  • Collect rain-water in your garden and use it to keep your garden green

  • Walk, bike or bus whenever you can

  • Turn off lights when you leave a room

  • Don't leave computers and phones plugged in or on standby


Eat organic and with the seasons

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Strawberries in deep snow and pumpkins on a sunny spring day is nice until you really think about it. The average meal travels thousands of miles to get to your plate but lots of food is grown close to you. Eating locally and with the seasons supports farmers in your community and slashes the amount of air pollution and greenhouse gases your food creates. 


Bee's are sadly are dying at an alarming rate, due to habitat loss, harmful pesticides and climate change. 97% of their grassland homes have disappeared in the past 60 years. It’s time for us to pay attention and help.

Take action!

  • Know what's in season before you shop

  • Eat organic

  • Check labels to see where food has come from

  • Take a trip to your local farmers' market

  • Explore a local box scheme

  • Grow a little of your own! Even a sunny balcony or window-box will do

  • Avoid pesticides in the garden or allotment

  • Plant insect-friendly flowers

Revive magical Rainforests

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Rainforests are nature’s magicians, producing life-giving oxygen out of thin air. They are the big green lungs of the earth, also home to half of all the plant and wildlife species on the planet. But humans are over-running rainforests, just like Mah Mah’s scallywag monkey troop. Originally there were 6 million square miles of tropical rainforest in the world. Only 2.4 million remain due to greedy and unsustainable agricultural and mining practices. Currently huge areas of rainforest are being chopped down to plant oil palms, destroying the homes of creatures like

orang-utans. Palm oil is hidden in all sorts of products from peanut butter to sweets.

Take action!


  • Seek out the small print on packages when you shop 

  • Say no to food and other products with unsustainable palm oil hidden in it

  • Make informative palm oil posters and put them up at school

  • Buy products using sustainable palm oil from reputable organisations.

  • Look out for the Fair Trade logo in shops. It helps farmers in developing countries to get paid properly for the work that they do.

Stomp out ivory and elephant cruelty

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Like greedy Queen Mah Mah, ivory traders don’t care about the law. 90% of African elephants have been killed in the last century through illegal poaching and habitat loss and the demand for ivory is still growing in the Far East. An elephant is being killed every 15 minutes and many more live unhappily in captivity. 

Take action!


  • Don't buy products made from ivory 

  • Do your homework before you go on holiday if you're planning to visit a sanctuary

  • Never ride elephants

  • Don't support animal-based circuses or entertainment shows

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